Consume sunlight, avoid blue light at night, limit alcohol consumption, and don’t smoke or consume caffeine right before bed to ensure better sleep.
Your body needs to recharge after a long day of work, and sleeping helps regain all that lost energy.
It also enhances your immune system and keeps different diseases away. If you do not sleep for a sufficient amount of time, your brain will have a hard time functioning, and if the brain has problems operating, you will have a hard time thinking things or processing memories. For an adult, to refresh their body and mind, they need to sleep for about 7 to 9 hours.
Some factors, however, can prevent you from getting adequate sleep, and it includes work schedule, day to day stress, uncomfortable bedroom, and your surroundings.
There are many health benefits of getting a night’s sound sleep, and a few of these benefits are listed below, which are proven by health professionals
1. Consume More Bright Light During The Day
If you have severe sleep problems or insomnia, the habit of soaking sunlight can improve sleep quality and duration.
It affects the brain, body, and hormones, allowing you to stay awake in the day and provides a signal when it’s time to sleep.
Also, natural sunlight or bright light helps to keep the circadian rhythm of your body balanced. It will enhance daytime energy and ensure the consistency and length of nighttime sleep.
2. Try Prescribed Melatonin Supplements
Melatonin in your body is considered one of the main components for better sleep. It helps you sleep by providing directions to your brain. It is commonly used for insomniac patients.
Studies have found that taking 2 mg of melatonin before bed significantly improves the quality of sleep and makes people fall asleep more quickly.
In another study, half of the respondents fell asleep quicker and had an increase in sleep quality by 15%. There are a few similar effective pills you can find in Sleeping pills UK which is helpful.
3. Avoid Being Exposed to Light During Nighttime
Daylight is pretty helpful if you are exposed to it, but the light during the nighttime could give the opposite result.
At night, your body wants to rest, but if there is a lot of light, especially blue lights, then it thinks that it is daytime and forcefully reduces the creation of melatonin. One of the worst is the blue light emitted from mobile or television screens.
4. Maintain a Healthy Diet
Try not to go to bed with an empty stomach, but heavy food is also an absolute no for two to three hours before sleep.
Nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol are equally harmful. They excite your mind and prevent you from falling asleep. Liquor, although makes you drowsy, can cause stomach ache and other problems later in the night.
A bad night’s sleep can lead to binge eating and other unhealthy traits.
5. Avoid Long Naps During Daytime
Try not to sleep for a long time during the daytime, as it will hamper your sleep at night. Try to take small 30-minute power naps if you really need to sleep.
If you sleep a lot during the day, you will sleep late at night and will wake up late. This will damage your sleep cycle, and you will feel drowsy and sleepy at work.
6. Have a Synchronized Sleep Cycle
Your body’s circadian method works on a set circle, adjusting itself to dawn and dusk.
So if you sleep using this circadian method, it will improve your sleep quality. Studies have shown that if your sleep routine is not consistent, you will not have a good rest.
Further research has shown that sleeping without maintaining a routine can change the melatonin level in your body, and this disrupts your sleep pattern.
Different investigations have featured that unpredictable sleep can change your circadian rhythm and levels of melatonin, which signals your mind to rest. If you have a problem sleeping, try waking up at the same time and getting to bed at the same time. Make this a routine.
7. Say No to Alcohol Before Bedtime
Liquor might make you drowsy for a short period, but it will influence your hormones and cause various problems. Alcohol also disrupts the production of melatonin, and this, in turn, disrupts your body’s circadian rhythm.
Consuming alcohol during the night also increases the production of HGH or human growth hormone.
Release of HGH means that your body will stay active even though it is fatigued, so try your best to avoid alcohol before going to bed, and it’s best if you avoid alcohol altogether.
8. Calm Your Mind in the Evening
There are also some methods people follow, such as getting a massage, listening to soothing music, or quietly reading a book, that can easily make them feel relaxed and put them in a calm state.
Relaxation helps get better sleep at night, and better sleep means a better life. Apart from scrolling your phone, you can find many alternatives to relax and clear your mind. Try to read a book or a journal, have a nice evening talk with your family, or if you want some alone time try to interact with gemstones. Different stones have different energies and meanings, and by choosing the right stone for your needs, you can help to promote a sense of calm and peace. For example, the Alexandrite stone meaning is said to balance your energy, and the Hematite crystal meaning is said to improve your blood circulation and clear away the negative energy from your mind and body. By holding or placing a stone on your body before bed, you can help to release tension and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.
9. A Nice Long Shower
A bit more about the relaxation part, taking a shower before going to bed will not only calm your body but will also make you feel refreshed after a day-long hard work.
This loosens up your body and helps you fall asleep much easier. It is seen that grown-ups who take a shower before going to bed have a sound sleep and also fall asleep much easier.
If you do not want to take a full shower, scrubbing your feet in warm water can also give a similar result, but showering is still your best option.
10. Avoid Exercising Before Bed
The main reason people go to sleep is that their body feels tired and exhausted from working all day.
If you have trouble sleeping at night, one reason could be that your body is not feeling tired enough to fall asleep.
So, the best bet is to work out and perform exercises during the daytime to improve your sleep at night.
But be sure not to do it right before bed since you will have a surge of adrenaline that may delay your sleep.
Final Thoughts
Having sleep problems is very common, but it should be dealt as with as soon as possible. Otherwise, your health will get harmed. Consider the tips mentioned above to ensure better sleep and healthier lives.