Over the years, medical service providers in the U.S. have reshaped the U.S. emergency and trauma care system. Whether it’s a leap from the 7-digit telephone numbers for emergency services to 9-1-1 or the incorporation of alternative communication services like VoIP in the emergency system, emergency care services have evolved for good.
In the US, EMS departments receive around 200 million 9-1-1 calls every year. These numbers show the importance and accessibility of emergency services.
With the inception of latest technologies, the U.S. emergency system is constantly evolving.. CAN, or Automatic Crash Notification, is the latest example of how the system is using new technology to enhance their reach and services to tackle emergencies.
Several other examples speak about how technology is shaping the future of EMS. Let us walk you through a few of them.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI, or Artificial Intelligence, has proved its mantle in many sectors and healthcare is no exception. From helping in establishing the correct diagnosis to discovering new drugs and vaccines, AI has continually improved medical services.
Several organizations use AI for logistics, as well as capacity allocation, to facilitate their regular operations and make their facilities more accessible. It has enabled early detection of events to expedite the response from the emergency units. Early detections and interventions with AI technology have contributed to the decline of deaths and emergency medical escalations.The use of AI is a true breakthrough in the US emergency and trauma care system as it enables the system to win the race against time and cater to the ailing patient before situations run out of hands.
- Mobile applications
Even the slightest misinterpretation between the medical staff can mean injury or death for a patient. Reports suggest that around 80% of clinical errors occur due to miscommunication. So medical organizations are using software programs to rule out any possibility of miscommunication by connecting the right people.
The apps connect every component of the emergency care system and keep the involved departments updated about the real condition of the patient. With this, the hospital’s emergency department knows the time of arrival of the patient and medical details such as vital stats, current ECG, and more, which allows the emergency department to properly prepare beforehand.Moreover, on-demand ambulance service providers like Ambulnz also use mobile applications to connect with their service recipients to offer lightning assistance.
- Medical drones
Drones have become widely accepted as air traffic, but have become increasingly more relied on to deliver medical care. Several companies use medical drones to deliver medical drugs and vaccines to hospitals.
This technology helps the organizations in emergency conditions, such as delivering blood packs within a few minutes during an emergency, potentially saving the patient’s life.
- Portable diagnostic devices
This latest technology has made it extremely easy for the paramedics to offer emergency care to the patients on the spot. With the inception of pocket-sized and user-friendly devices, the practitioners can offer a more precise treatment to their patients straight away.
Hand-held ultrasound devices, 12-lead ECG with smartphone or tablet, point-of-care testing devices, etc., are the latest inventions that have taken emergency medical care to an altogether different level.
The bottom line
Oxygen deprivation for 4 minutes can cause permanent brain damage and can lead to death within the next 4 to 6 minutes. When it comes to medical emergencies, the outcomes depend on each passing second and minute. This shows how important emergency medical care is.
Fortunately, these technologies help emergency units offer precise treatment and care, thereby saving many lives.