#5. Sundays are great days for apps
If you are running an app, try advertising on Sundays. Look to advertise most on Sunday. A study released by SensorTower, an app marketer, Sunday is the most profitable day for app purchases. Perhaps it’s because more people are at home and looking at their phones instead of doing unimportant things like spending quality time with friends or family.
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#6.. Coins have ridges to protect against counterfeiting
Ever wonder why coins have ridges on their perimeter? It’s to prevent people from making illegal copies, and it began back in the late 18th century, according to History.com. Basically, some people had an idea — let’s make our own coins and pass them off as U.S. currency! Original at the time, but kind of played out now. Still, adding the ridges, also known as reeding, made it more difficult to sculpt perfect copies.