8 Things You Should Lie To Her About

Keep XXX Stories To Yourself


Let’s say the woman you’re dating starts asking you questions about your previous sex life. She sounds playful, like it’s no big deal, and like it may even turn her on to hear about them. Now, there are women for whom that is the case. They are rare, and while that sounds like an awesome trait for a woman to have, it also often comes along with some other issues.

Anyway, back to you: If you’ve had lots of threesomes, or you’ve gotten serviced in the Champagne Room, you’re safest keeping it to yourself. Why? Because your girl may just be sniffing around for things to be upset about (it sounds idiotic, and it is, but most people do it, and not just women). So start slow (“Well, one time in college I had sex twice in one night! … With my serious girlfriend.”) and then use your judgment about telling her the real crazy stuff. Also, related, is …

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