9 Of The Best Shampoos For Men

The Best Shampoos For Men with thinning hair john allan's#1. Your Hair Type: Thinning

If you see a visible difference between the thinning hair at your crown versus the thicker sides of your head you want a shampoo that’s going to add volume and remove buildup at your hair follicles, which can lead to hair loss.

Shampoo Rx: Best Shampoo: John Allan’s Thick Shampoo ($15 @ Amazon.com)

This product contains both: vitamins E, A, and another nutrient called panthenol for the former, and fancy-schmancy ingredients like nettle, sea kelp, sage, and aloe vera for the latter. But sometimes basic is all you need for the best shampoo for men thinning hair. Plus, if a woman finds herself in your shower, you won’t have to worry about Rogaine-related embarrassment.

Next: Shampoo For Guys With Normal Hair