Looking for a magic pill, powder, or witches potion to speed up your metabolism? Sorry, pal. Isn’t going to happen. Don’t buy the hype (although some supplements can help you gain more energy, workout for longer and therefore, perhaps, burn more calories). That’s not to say you can’t make changes to your lifestyle that’ll help keep your metabolism churning; not only does that help you keep fat off, it helps you on the field.
That’s not to say you can’t make changes to your lifestyle that’ll help keep your metabolism churning; not only does that help you keep fat off, it helps you on the field.
#1. HIRT It At The Gym
If ever you were in search of a reason to get in and out of the gym quicker, here it is: A 2012 study published in the Journal of Translation Medicine found that using high-intensity interval resistance training (HIRT) — short workouts using heavy weights—increased resting energy expenditure in subjects (REE) by 23 percent, or 424 calories, in the 24-hour period following the workout.