With the emergence and development of Live Casinos, not only a new type of virtual entertainment has appeared but also a new kind of professional activity, i.e., an online casino dealer. The work of a live dealer is similar to the duties that are performed by the croupier in ordinary casinos, but it still has a number of features that allow us to say that this is a completely new profession. Let’s take a closer look at this job.
What Is a Regular Day of the Live Dealer?
The working day of the croupier in the best live dealer casinos begins with preparation: they put on their uniform, brush hair, and do their makeup. Uniforms can consist of different clothing units: dresses, skirts, corsets, shirts, and vests, etc.

Usually, before the start of the working time, all the croupiers gather for a 15-minute meeting to discuss possible changes in the rules of the game, some innovations, and current issues. After the meeting, the croupiers go to the tables and conduct live games with breaks in accordance with the accepted schedule.
What Exactly Does a Live Casino Dealer Do?
Users play on the site against a dealer who represents the casino and controls the entire gaming process. The croupier deals the cards and spins the ball on the roulette in accordance with the rules of the house and the technique of the game. The dealer must know all the rules of the casino game in order to act correctly during the gaming session. An important part of knowledge is the generally accepted gestures that are used to indicate key points at different stages of the game. Some other actions of the croupier at online roulette in live casinos are also strictly regulated. The dealer must:
- open and close bets;
- spin the roulette wheel and launch the ball;
- name the winning number;
- explain the rules of the game and announce the last drawn numbers;
- congratulate the winners;
- communicate with the players, verbally answering their questions;
- help players in case of difficulties.
A good dealer should be punctual, polite, calm, sociable, patient, and cheerful. A professional dealer will always offer adequate assistance to players at the online table and will calmly communicate with users in any situation. They must be disciplined and responsible.

Where do They Learn This Profession?
Dealers learn the peculiarities of the profession at special courses for croupiers. They are taught the rules of the games, how to act at the tables, communicate with players, etc. Each day finishes with a test to check the knowledge gained. Practical sessions are held in rooms with gaming tables and special screens. The difference is that they play with bots.
If a student successfully passes all tests, he/she receives permission to work at live casino tables with real players.
Finally, you can easily engage in the atmosphere of Live Casino by choosing the convenient option online. Good luck!