Psychotherapy uses knowledge about human behavior and the power of the mind to help patients overcome conflicts. Before psychotherapy, psychology relied on medications to alter brain chemical communication. This modern form of treatment, once called talk therapy, focuses on identifying a person’s belief system and style of communication to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
The benefits of participating in a group psychotherapy treatment plan arise from the structure of the sessions. Psychotherapy’s primary focus is on intersocial and interpersonal relationships. Group therapy provides a quasi-social environment where patients can learn new, often unfamiliar subjects together. Working as a team with like-minded individuals increases the chances of each patient reaching success and BetterHelp can provide more insight on group therapy.
While we pride ourselves on individuality and uniqueness, people have insecurities of being abnormal or different from everyone else. Joining a psychotherapy group of people sharing the same conflict reduces the anxiety that comes from feeling alone. When a team of strangers faces the same enemy, each member is important in order to win the battle.
Too often people focus so much on their weaknesses that they forget what strengths they possess. Group psychotherapy offers patients a safe place to discover what those strengths are as they learn about what brings out their weaknesses. Being in a psychotherapy group provides multiple perspectives of the same issue, helping each patient see their problem in a new light.
Building a Foundation
Group psychotherapy lays the groundwork for patients to make the changes their life demands of them. It begins by getting to know the members of the group and find a commonality other than the shared problem. Discovering another person who has experienced similar situations creates a stronger connection on a personal level.
Psychotherapy groups give patients an opportunity to build a network of support that will continue after treatment ends. It provides a safe environment for individuals to learn how to trust again. Group psychotherapy also enables patients to feel a sense of purpose as each member helps the group in their own way.
Learning from Example
Just as a child listens before learning to speak, group psychotherapy provides an arena of life experiences to study. Using the real-life events of the people in the group will provide the curriculum for each group’s goal. By first learning what went wrong, we can begin to address how things went awry and then what to do next time.
During this stage of discovery, the group members will begin to recognize the patterns of behavior in their own lives more easily. Having a variety of people in a psychotherapy group will bring in an array of communication styles and interpersonal conflicts. Sifting through the details together will solidify the lessons being taught.
Group psychotherapy is a place where keeping an open mind is imperative. Most patients who struggle with therapy are those who come in full of doubt. Negative thinking is one of the most powerful tools of failure. Having a positive outlook and a willingness to change your perspective will be a great asset to group therapy and life in general.
Testing the Waters
Psychotherapy in a group setting provides patients with the opportunity to practice the new concepts and strategies discussed in the sessions. It is a controlled environment with both confidentiality and supportive attitudes at its center. Psychotherapy is about self-improvement through self-awareness and groups are means of support.
Silence from a member of the group is often viewed as having nothing to say. For some people, not speaking right away is a sign of inner reflection. When we are processing new beliefs and truths that conflict with our experience, it will take time before we are able to articulate how we feel.
Group psychotherapy can also help patients learn to speak up for themselves. Being able to acknowledge your own needs and have your feelings validated builds self-confidence. This leads to the patient being more comfortable expressing their expectations and desires to the people in their life.
New Way of Life
We are only able to learn from what we are able to witness. Either through direct experience or from stories shared by others, our reality is seen through our beliefs. Psychotherapy is a form of psychology that has unlocked the mysteries of human behavior. Group therapy is one of the greatest illustrations of our similarities and differences.
Changing our belief system to conform to the societal norms of interpersonal communication is a big step to take. We all have a responsibility to be the good we want to see in the world. Only through healthy communication with one another, be it friend or foe, can we expect to be our best selves.