The holiday season is upon us and there’s no better time to treat yourself to a new piece of tech, it has been a tough year after all – the world of tech is certainly exciting and whilst it may be exciting to look to the newest next generation games consoles for example, there’s plenty out there to get excited for.
Drones – One of the big movements in camera tech in recent years has been within drones, but they aren’t only limited to taking aerial shots and exciting photography as the drone market has been growing quickly, racing drones have become a big movement too and the prices are dropping quickly for the higher performing models. If you’ve been looking for something new to try to get you back outside, a drone may be exactly what you’re missing.

Cross-play software – If you have that gaming itch but can’t justify the big cost of changing to a newer console or upgrading your gaming PC, there are options out there for you. Devices like our mobiles have usually been a little limited by the hardware and whilst this has been great for certain genres, some like these betting and gambling sites in particular have found great success this year despite the authority of initiatives such as Gamstop – but our devices have found a new breath of life through platforms like Googles Stadia and other cross-play software’s that let you connect to your more powerful device and take gaming on the road. Your newest triple A blockbuster title? Now playable from your phone, and at a fraction of the cost.
Virtual Reality – The move for VR has been a slow burn as technology and pricing had been a limiting factor, but costs are slowly starting to drop and accessibility has certainly increased. Earlier this year, Facebook was able to obtain the biggest VR hardware company in Oculus and were committed to delivering a cheaper alternative to their high-end platform, if you’ve been looking to explore exactly what VR can do then now may be the best as prices continue to drop and hardware requirements do too. There are still certainly some kinks to work out in the system, but the newer games are certainly starting to deliver on that sci-fi futuristic fantasy many had hoped it would.
There has also been the exciting news of new hardware for PC gamers out there and of course the earlier mentioned next generation consoles, but for many it’s looking like these won’t be easily available until early 2021 as ongoing stocking and supply issues have many out of stock for the foreseeable future – the early dates anticipated may be around February to March, so if you are looking at snagging either options then the wait may not be all that long and you should hang on to a little extra to either place an order now for when stock becomes available or be ready to refresh pages once new stock is announced, they’ll all likely go quickly.