Sustainability is a hot topic nowadays. We are already seeing the effects of climate change on our planet, so we know how important it is to focus on sustainable lifestyles.
But how can we maintain current lifestyles while also living sustainably?
One way to increase sustainability is through the use of hemp biomass. Read on to learn about how this product can solve many problems.
What Is Biomass?
The term biomass refers to the organic matter of a plant. It does not include the food parts of a plant. In the hemp industry, businesses use it to refer to bulk industrial hemp.
Hemp biomass is intended for extraction purposes. It is not for smoking.
Sometimes people incorrectly use the term to describe the dried-out flowers from a hemp plant. However, the term is most appropriate to describe the stalk and spent bud.
Hemp biomass yield per acre refers to the amount of non-food parts of a plant a farmer gets from one acre of land. At harvest time, the hemp gets tested. An analysis of the product lets buyers know the potency and purity of a batch.
Hemp Biomass Uses
Hemp has many uses beyond smoking. You have probably heard of the medicinal properties of cannabis. Manufacturers can extract CBD oil from hemp biomass and then use it in medicine or cosmetics.
You can also use biomass to create hemp tea. This particular tea may help you sleep better at night.
Through conversion technology, hemp biomass can be turned into biofuel. People have searched for an alternative source of fuel for decades, and hemp can provide one. Reducing our use of fossil fuels helps drive us toward a sustainable future.
Processing hemp into fiber also helps reduce our dependence on oil. Modern clothing is often made from polyester, a byproduct of oil. This leads to toxic manufacturing practices and microplastics ending up in our oceans.
However, hemp is biodegradable. It is water-resistant and durable, making it a great alternative for clothing fabric. Carpets, ropes, and even insulation can be made from hemp fiber.
Even the construction industry benefits from hemp. Instead of concrete, builders can use hempcrete. They can also use insulation made from hemp.
Instead of cutting down trees to make paper, you can make it from hemp. You can even make plastic from hemp.
Through these processes, hemp has the potential to serve as a zero-waste product. In a world where our landfills are getting too full, reducing waste is a priority.
Consumers are increasingly thinking about where waste goes. Having more zero-waste products allows us to keep our current lifestyles while keeping a focus on sustainability. With all the things we can create with hemp, it promises to hold an important place in our future.
When you are searching for ways to make your lifestyle sustainable, look into hemp biomass products. Hemp can help us create a plant based economy and a better future.
Check out our Health & Grooming section to learn more about how hemp can improve your life.