12 Hot Female Celebrities Who’ve Been Arrested

michelle rodriguez arrested hot celebrities dui

Yeah, she’s a star of Fast & Furious, and a Lost alum. Turns out, she’s also a terrible driver. Rodriguez and her perennial sour-puss face was arrested in 2003 in connection with a hit-and-run followed by a DUI arrest a few months later. While filming Lost — or should we stay, trying to ruin it with her awful acting — she got hit with another DUI. She pleaded guilty and payed a whopping $500 and spent five whole nights in jail. The Lost DUI violated her previous court deal and she was in big trouble!

Just kidding. She’s a celebrity, so instead of a month behind bars and 30 days of community service she spent 24 hours in lockup. “Let’s not let there be a next time,” we envision a judge telling her. “Oh, there won’t be,” she says with a sad puppy dog eyes. And then she got caught again violating probation. This time they threw the book at her. Well, a pamphlet. She served 17 days of a 180-day sentence. however, she was forced to wear an ankle monitor, which, like, totally clashed with like half of her outfits.


Amanda bynes

Amanda Bynes

The former Nickelodeon star has had her share of legal troubles over the years, including arrests for DUI and drug possession. In 2012 she was booked by police after throwing a bong out of her Manhattan apartment window following a disturbance complaint from her neighbors.