There are so many reasons why people decide not to change their residence and one of the most frequent ones is: people don’t want to ruin their “close circle”. Yes, it is always scary to make such a lifechanging decision and so we wait. And wait till the very last minute. Till it’s already too late to plan or choose. Luckily, at moving-me.com you can find cost-effective and time-saving solutions for your best relocation experience. You may also want to check out Los Angeles movers. That, however, does not solve the initial problem: How not to lose connection with your dearest people when you are facing a long-distance move?
You are not moving to the Moon
With easy access to internet technologies these days it doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore to stay in touch with your friends and family. What you have to do it set up a tradition of, say, three short calls a week and A Friday Zoom Party. It is important to talk about all different things during those calls. Don’t try to make it just a fun call. Talk about things that worry all of you, ask questions, help with your advice and share your ideas. Maybe your moving experience will help your friends decide on moving as well. Or avoid mistakes you happen to make during your move. That’ll help you to keep up the same level of connection being a thousand miles away after your relocation.
Do not only talk about your move
Interaction is important. It is vital to be involved in your friends’ life processes. Come up with a plan of joint vacation, discuss some bonding time together during Winter Holiday Season, offer your help at your friends’ or family members’ lifetime events. There are so many things that can be done online these days: you can help choosing Wedding Invitation décor or find a perfectly matching curtain for that new set of furniture in your best friend’s living room. Help your friend to figure out what’s happened to her bike again or recommend a reliable soft for the laptop. Be there for them in times of joy and sorrow. And ask them to be there for you. That way your dearest ones won’t have a feeling that they are losing you, nor will you.
Your memories are moving with you
You don’t know exactly when will be the next time you see your people. So, there is always a chance that your close friends, your intimate connection might fade away. Don’t be desperate about it. Life still goes on, and you need to go on too. You are just about to pass a big milestone with your relocation. Chances are, some people won’t find a cozy spot in your heart just where they have had it. That only means it is time to let them go and move on with their lives just like they let you move on with yours. Just make sure you keep the warmest memories of them somewhere deep in your heart. Your memories are moving with you and will help you build a new close and treasures relationship at your new place of residence.
Why did you decide to move?
In the most difficult times, when you start doubting your decision to relocate, try to remember the initial reason why you decided to move in the first place. What was your original life changing plan? What are the prospective? Voice your doubts to your friends and ask them to speak up. Some of your friends may have doubts about your relocation or don’t want to say goodbye to you just because they know how badly they are going to miss you. But once spoken up you will be able to figure out how to deal with this long-distance friendship and how not to lose it over time and distance. So, speak it up. Don’t be afraid to become emotional, ensure your friends and family that you are not losing each other.
Ask for help
When they get involved into your relocation they won’t feel left behind anymore. Order a free quote online. That’ll save you time and leave some space for more interaction with your friends. In case you decide in favor of a PODS container to load it yourself and save you some funds, you will definitely need help of your friends. Check also https://moving-me.com/top-moving-pods-companies-2020/. You will also need some help with a garage sale and with the things to be donated. There is so much to do while preparing everything to move! Everyone will find a right job to do and your friends will be happy to be a part of this huge milestone in your life. Thus, you will create new memories to share later. And that is a good way to say “Goodbye” but not “Farewell”.