One of the most difficult aspects of running a business comes in the hiring process. At the end of the day, your employees are what make everything tick, so you want to get it right, and keep them in when they arrive. Here’s how you can do it.
Offer A Generous Yet Fair Salary
The main pulling point of an employee looking for a job can be boiled down to two points. Firstly, the challenge and responsibilities offered, and secondly, the money. However, what is strange is that many businesses don’t wish to disclose the money involved in a role, as they find it tacky.
What business leaders and HR representatives need to realise is that money is often the sole reason people look for jobs, and if you don’t disclose the amount or note it down as competitive, then this is seen as a warning sign for talented candidates.
Be open about what you’re offering, but ensure what you’re offering is a fair reflection on the work you have. If you can offer slightly more than the going expected rate for a job role, then you will have a better chance of landing a talented employee.
Write A Clear Job Description
A clear and understood job description cannot be underestimated. It’s very possible that this will be the first thing, after the job title, that they will read. This means that you should write it as honest as you possibly can. The last thing you want is to write a job description and make it sound simpler than it actually is. This will mean that those applying may be underqualified.
It’s the same way in the reverse too. If you overcomplicate a job description then you may have overqualified individuals apply. You need to be honest and write fully transparent. Whilst this could potentially lower the number of applicants, it will help get the right candidates into the interview stage.
Offer A Variety Of Company Benefits
What you have to understand with highly talented employees, is that they often will have more choice in where they work than a traditional employee. This means you will need to work extra hard to convince them to choose you over competitors.
One way you can do that, is by offering perks and benefits to help convince them to choose your business. The classic way of offering perks and benefits is with money. For example, you could inform them that if they work hard enough in a quarter, they will be due a small percentage of the profits. Of course, you could just offer a blanket bonus of money just for hard work in general, there are multiple ways you can do this.
You could go for something more unique, such as offering complimentary physical and mental boosting activities on site. This will help convince highly talented employees that they are valued, and could convince them to join.
Consider investing into the future of your employees, as this could convince them to invest their future to your business too. What many businesses are now doing, is offering some form of private healthcare to all of their employees as a package. This is highly sought after by employees as the demands on healthcare increase and become more complicated.
Now that you know what employees want, you will need to find the right policies that they are all happy with. Consider speaking to your current employees to find what they are actively seeking to get an idea of what any incoming employees will want.
One great way to find insurers and polices is by using a health insurance comparison website, such as Switch Health. They will be able to provide health insurance quotes for the best policies for you and your team, by searching different providers according to your search parameters and needs.
Consider Where You Post The Job Advertisement
Something that a lot of employers fail to think about, is where they will actually advertise their job listing. There are specialised sites for specific areas of expertise and industry that you should utilise to get the right candidates applying. You may not know which sites are around for you to use, so consider searching for jobs within your industry to see what job sites come up.
That way, you can find what a potential candidate would find and see when searching for a specific keyword. Consider speaking to competitors and business connections within your industry, such as employees or business partners, to see if they have ever used such a site.
For example, in recent years, many businesses have decided to solely post their corporate jobs and roles on social job sites such as LinkedIn. That’s because LinkedIn optimises businesses with creating career pages that candidates can view. This allows them to get an understanding of the businesses culture and more relevant information that they will appreciate.
Pay To Post Ads
In recent years, many businesses and managers have turned their attention to sponsoring job posts in order to get it out to more people. This will allow people to see your job posting at the top of a google search before any others, which could mean you’re the first they apply to, and put the most attention into.
If a candidate types in specific key words, such as area of job title, and you’ve paid for a pay-per-click advertisement, then you will have first impressions. You can pay different amounts to reach more people, or you could only pay-per-click, so you pay for what impressions you get.
Utilise Social Media
An effective tool of the job hiring process is by utilising social media to alert as many people about job opportunities. Lots of independent and smaller businesses do this, as it effectively costs them nothing unless sponsor a post. They will also have a following of passionate fans and customers who enjoy the business, and may be more inclined to apply than anyone else.
In fact, many HR individuals will use social media as a means of finding job seekers before they find them. The hiring process, and HR in general, is playing catch up to the digital world, and they are trying to find new ways of doing business.
Improve Your Brands Reputation
Many candidates won’t go near a business that has a bad reputation, especially if they have more choice in where they work. If your business has a damaged or lower brand reputation, then you should think about ways in which you can improve it.
If you improve your ethics, rules and brand in general then you will have a greater range of applicants coming in. Consider speaking to employees at your business to find out if they have any concerns about how their business is perceived, so that you will be able to work on it.
Research How Your Business Looks Online
On a similar scale, you should look into how your business is represented online. This means looking at employee reviews and any articles about your business practices. You’ve got to remember that potential applicants will look this up before applying, so it’s good to understand where they are coming from and what they will see.
It may be difficult to change this online outlook over a short time. But what you can do is be prepared to address any concerns that come in.