If the name “Success Kid” doesn’t immediately ring a bell, the face definitely will. The triumphant kid (who we think resembles a toddler Patton Oswalt) holding up his fist has been the poster child for winning since way before Charlie Sheen. The kid, whose real name is Sammy Griner, became so ubiquitous and popular on threads that Virgin Media purchased the photo rights from his mom, Laney Griner, for use on UK Billboards and Vitamin Water bottles. Sammy recently turned six.
So did some hippie who squealed like a maniac when he saw a “double rainbow” actually parlay that into a career? Yes … and no. Paul “Bear” Vasquez, the man behind the “Oh Mans” in YouTube’s Double Rainbow video, isn’t about to leave his $5,000 a year job at an organic farm in Yosemite, California. But he became a minor celebrity and was even snatched up by Microsoft to star in a Windows Live commercial about their panorama stitch photo feature. The TV spot is no pot of gold, but those rainbows did pay off.