How To Earn Millions With a Picture of a Cat

Sometime after LOLCats blowed up and before Grumpy Cat became famous by … being grumpy, Keyboard Cat burst onto the scene and snuck into our hearts. The sad reality is that Keyboard Cat (real name Fatso) had filmed his music video way back in 1984, and had died in 1987. So while he couldn’t exactly clean up in appearance fees or film follow-up videos, his owner has lawyered up and filed multiple copyright infringement lawsuits, and has also used his current cat in a homage commercial for pistachios commercial.

Just as David Devore Sr. had no qualms about showing a video of his son, David Devore Jr., tripping balls after a healthy dose of drugs at the dentist, he also had no qualms about profiting from it. Shortly after the video took off, Devore started the DavidAfterDentist blog, selling T-shirts and stickers, and struck up a licensing deal and ad partnership with YouTube that has netted him upwards of $100,000.