Gardens can be a lot of fun. The chance to work with the soil, nurture plants, and watch them grow. Whether you’ve planted flowers and wait for them to bloom, planted vegetables to enjoy some homegrown deliciousness, or a combination of the two, you want your garden to thrive. That means you don’t want pests eating your tomatoes and flowers. If the pests get too bad, you may need to contact experts like Wildlife Removal New Hampshire.
As a gardener, you already know the importance of lighting. Not only is it important for the plants to grow and remain healthy, it can also deter pests. Ground based insects tend to avoid bright light when possible because they’re cold blooded, and well-lit plants make for healthy plants that are better resistant to pests.
Another way to cut down on pests is spacing. This will help prevent pests from moving from plants to plants. Once they’re isolated like that, removing them with environmentally friendly methods is much easier. Make sure to regularly weed the garden too, as pests will eat them just as freely as your garden. If they go for the weeds, they will likely spread to other plants.
If you’ve planted vegetables, peppers, and the like, harvest the yields regularly to deter pests from coming around for free food. A harvested plant is one with less greenery, and that means less food for insects and rodents to eat. If food isn’t easy to come by, they’ll move on to greener pastures.
As part of your regular harvests and weeding, look for signs of pests, too. Rodent droppings, chewed leaves, and holes in leaves can all indicate pests have discovered how delicious your garden is. To fight back, use environmentally friendly sprays and other deterrents to keep pests from eating your harvest. Toxic sprays might be more effective, but they can also harm the plants and soil. Besides, you want to eat the vegetables, and it’s hard to do that when they’re doused in poison.
For more natural ways to keep your garden free of pests, consider planting some marigolds. Their scent repels a lot of garden pests like aphids, while also attracting friendly insects like butterflies and bumblebees. If you don’t have room for them in the garden, consider buying a pot or two to have them around.
Companion planting, that is, planting complementary vegetables or flowers together, is one of the oldest forms of agriculture. Practiced in the New World long before the Europeans arrived, the method helps protect smaller plants and ensure a varied and reliable harvest. If nothing else, a few marigolds here and there can help, as noted before.
While it sounds creepy, and to some it might very well be, removing pests by hand and tossing them in a bucket of soapy water or the like can help a lot. Removing the best directly not only protects the plants, it also avoids using chemicals around your future food. It takes some work, true, but you’re outside the wedding and inspecting the plants, anyway, so you might as well pick off the beetles and other pests too. Obviously, this method is not recommended for rodents. For them, some repellents and traps usually do a decent job. keep an eye for bigger pests, too, and visit mousepoisonfacts.com to learn some easy removal methods.
If you enjoy gardening, you understand how much work it can take to ensure happy, healthy plants, vegetables, fruits, or flowers, they take time and work to look great. That time and effort needs to be spent on pest prevention as well as on the plants. Otherwise, you might find that insects and rodents have eaten everything you tried to grow. So take the time to look after your plants, and they will reward you with pretty flowers and tasty food.