How To Stop
Getting Old

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Ric Flair — in the blue underpants — is an 847-year-old pro wrestler. Now, granted, he looks pretty good for his age, but a younger man shouldn’t need to deal with his excess of skin. Thankfully, you don’t have to age like “The Nature Boy.” While obesity, rapid weight loss, and just plain getting old can all cause skin to sag, you can take steps to lessen the blow.

Also: Simple Remedies To Fix Dry Skin

If you’ve gained a significant amount of weight and want to shed pounds, diet smart. A crash diet won’t allow sufficient time for the skin to adjust, so it’ll hang off your body like oversized clothes. Try setting a goal to shed one to two pounds per week, and exercise in conjunction with your diet. At the gym — whether you’re overweight or not — target all of your major muscle groups with resistance exercises. Aim for three sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise to build muscle. Also, stay hydrated. According to the Institute of Medicine, men should consume about 4 liters of water a day to keep skin hydrated and help prevent it from sagging.