If You’ve Watched Making A Murderer On Netflix You Need To See These Memes

Source: Twitter

Defense attorneys Dean Stang and Jerry Buting could get laid pretty easily right now by like a billion people. Recently, Stang said he may represent Avery again, and has been making the rounds on cable TV to refute Kratz saying the documentary was filled with misconceptions.


Here’s another one:

stang and buting

Source: Imgur

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Source: Twitter

Gene Kusche, the dude who framed his composite sketch of Steven Avery and, coincidentally, may have been involved in framing Avery during his first conviction in 1985, also caught heat from the Web. Why? For allegedly being involved in the coverup, for one, but also because WHAT KIND OF GOON FRAMES A SKETCH OF AN ALLEGED RAPIST?

The reporters that covered the Avery trial were often fed spoonfuls of bullshit by Ken Kratz. And as you can tell by this photomontage, those reporters often looked like they were eating spoonfuls of bullshit.

Also Read: 13 Movies They Should Show High School Students
Instead of Romeo and Juliet, how about more important and realistic films that connect with high school students, like Kids and Annie Hall.

Movies They Should Show In High School