Good Places for a First Date: Don’t Screw This Up

good places for a first dateFirst dates can be exciting, stressful, and invigorating experiences. Whether you’ve known your date for fifteen years or fifteen minutes, the idea is always to get them comfortable with considering you romantically. When planning a first date, it’s important to know what you want out of the relationship – like if you want something long-term or a fling – and to have an idea of what your partner likes. With that in mind, start breaking the ice, exchanging playful glances, and laughing at jokes like they’re the funniest ones you’ve ever heard. Here are a handful of good places for a first date to consider if you haven’t nailed down the perfect spot yet:

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Restaurant or Bar

The old standby. Grabbing some food or drinks is a good way to ease any tension and feel comfortable in a public setting. Go conservative here with cuisine that’s easy on the stomach and plan the rest of your evening together.

Another classic. It’s a dark theater where you’ll sit close and not have to worry about awkward conversation. Your film selection is vital, however: the newest Rambo is not going to convey your cultured side.

The Outdoors
This is a laidback excuse to spend some time together. Maybe you don’t have the highest chances of making “your move” on a hike, but it’ll be stress free and make for easy conversation.

With Friends or a Group
Use this option sparingly in the beginning. Hanging out with friends may ease the pressure on you, but it can easily become a crutch. Make sure your date knows who they’re there to see.

Local Attraction
Zoos, aquariums, art galleries, live music, or a local play are all great choices. You’ll have something to talk about for the night or on the next date.

ALSO: Cheap Date Ideas That Won’t Make You Look Cheap

Ultimately your first date location depends on who your date is and what you want out of the relationship. Give it a little thought; consult the list above for good places for a first date, and start cracking that ice!