How this got lumped into manscaping and not “stuff every man and woman on the planet should do consistently” we have no idea. However, it’s now part of the manscaping umbrella. So …
If you shave regularly you should be noticing this anyway. For those bearded dudes, trimming your beard should accompany trimming your nose hairs. We’re not sure what the hell the dude in this photo is looking at all bewildered — buddy, have you never seen a goddamn nose hair trimmer before!? — but here are a highly-rated and cheap option that you can use on your nasty ear hair, too: Panasonic Ear/Facial Hair Trimmer Wet/Dry with Vortex Cleaning System, ($10 @
This one’s preference, but we can’t imagine anyone other than a recluse or hippy who sports a full-blown bush. Dude, just like you do your beard and the hair on your head, keep your pubes tidy. It’s manscaping 101 for crying out loud. (We still shudder every single time we use that awful word.) Shaving with a razor and shave cream is almost guaranteed to leave you irritated or suffering from razor burn, but if you like it bald, go with it (just be careful over the more mountainous regions — aka your nutsack). Otherwise, consider the Wahl Micro Groomsman Personal Trimmer ($8.50 @ It’ll give you a close shave that’s not too close (meaning, it won’t snip your shaft or bloody your groin region). You can also use it on your eyebrows, but if you use it on your balls we’re going to suggest shelling out another $8.50 so you’re not mixing and matching.