4. Dress Wisely
You’re going to get wet and dirty. Like, really wet and dirty. That means your clothes are going to stick to you. So if you’re worried about your spare tire busting through your shirt, you may want to wear something with wiggle room. I wore synthetics to try and cut down on the water logging.
5. Boobs!
You’re going to see a lot of women in wet T-shirts. You’re also going to see a lot of dudes in wet, needlessly tight shorts. Plus, people in frog suits … and bridal-party lingerie … and superhero tights. Point is, people wear weird stuff. There’s even a prize awarded for the craziest getup.
6. Stay Back At The Start
Runners go off in waves. So the closer you get to the starting line in your wave, the closer you are to the people who are trying to finish the fastest. Unless you’re feeling agressive, fall back and start toward the middle or rear of the starting line.
Photo credit: Erica Schultz