DNAmatch.love is an online dating site combining state of the art features and functionality with OPTIONAL DNA Biological and Emotional matching ability.
DNAMatch.love is the only site currently acting as a hybrid, allowing conventional dating with the OPTION of doing DNA personality matching. Linas Balaisis, CEO of DNAmatch.love indicated that “once people get comfortable with the free conventional dating portion of the site they can seamlessly switch to DNA personality matching with members on the site if they choose to do so”.
If a user doesn’t see a person that they are interested in to do a DNA match with, the site can generate the closest DNA matches from a database of consenting members which will grow over time.
Consumer adoption of DNA testing has accelerated tremendously and its becoming mainstream especially for health and ancestry reasons. 13 million individuals per year submit DNA for testing which is a 50 fold increase in the last 5 years.
DNAMatch.love provides the interface for a user to request a DNA test kit, but once the request is made all aspects of the testing and communication of results are administered by Instant Chemistry(IC) our partner lab. This ensures privacy and security of the sample. At no time will DNAmatch.love have access to the DNA samples.
A proprietary algorithm from IC determines a percentage match based on DNA between consenting members that have submitted DNA test kits. This percentage DNA match can only be seen between consenting members on the site.
If a user is interested in one of their DNA matches, they can contact the match on DNAMatch.love. Furthermore, if both parties agree, a comprehensive 20-page report can then be purchased to compare emotional and biological DNA markers. This analysis will also include a psychological questionnaire which will round out a more complete analysis. This report will be handled directly by IC.
Once a user has their DNA tested, their profile will display a DNA logo to make others aware that they have done a DNA test.
Full desktop functionality exists along with IOS & Android mobile apps.
For individuals who want a better understanding or are skeptical of the science relating to using DNA for Personality matching, our partner IC has published a 140 page book on the science. This book leverages the learning from the thousands of tests performed so far
Human relations are complex. 40% of Compatibility are estimated to be determined by your genes alone. Why not improve your odds of a great match!
This book is available on amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F7YM7QS
Our partner lab Instant Chemistry (IC) has performed thousands of paid DNA personality tests
You can find excerpts from ABC’s Inside Edition of our lab here