When you think of the word ‘probiotics,’ what comes to mind? Many people think of probiotics as a yeast blocker, which is true. Most people are aware of the positive effect that taking probiotics have on their gut. They’re the ‘good bacteria’ that work to combat the ‘bad bacteria’ present there. However, they have the ability to do so much more than that, specifically for men. Essentially, probiotics bring a sense of balance to your body where it’s needed. Listed below are several ways that probiotics can specifically be of benefit to men.
Promote Prostate Health
According to the American Prostatis Association, probiotics is a viable, natural alternative solution to a painful inflammation of the prostate. It adds that this is particularly true if antibiotics are part of the cause. There’s also evidence that taking probiotics is helpful in treating the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
In addition to this, urinary tract infections are often experienced along with an enlarged prostate, and probiotics are helpful in healing this condition as well. For promoting prostate health, the APA recommends that men should take both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strands of probiotics.
Support Testosterone Levels
After men reach the age of 30, testosterone levels naturally begin to decrease. As a result, some men experience symptoms such as reduced sex drive, reduced erectile function, obesity, fatigue, loss of body hair, and depression.
A 2014 study conducted on aging mice showed promise with regard to the effect that probiotics have on male testosterone levels. They were given the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri in their water, and, as a result, their testicles got larger and their serum testosterone levels increased.
Promote Fertility
Testosterone levels also play an important role in the production of sperm, and, logically, this is an important issue in the lives of many men. There’s evidence that taking probiotics supports male fertility.
One study focused on couples who were unable to conceive. It showed that when the probiotic Lactobacillus was present in a high count in the male’s semen, his sperm was much healthier and quite normal. Another study conducted with mice revealed that taking oral doses of the probiotic L. reuteri increased sperm count and testicular mass, in addition to keeping reproductive organs healthy.
Maintain Heart Health
Do you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death among men in the United States? The sobering statistics is that it kills about one in four men every year. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking are the key risk factors for contracting it. Making the right choices is critical to heart health, and taking probiotics happens to be one wise choice in that regard.
It may seem a little unusual to associate probiotics to heart health, however, they’re actually closely correlated. This is because research indicates that taking probiotics can help your cholesterol levels stay within a healthy range and do the same for your blood pressure.
In addition to this, some individuals who have serious heart conditions often have a particular type of bad bacteria in their heart valves, which is known as S. mutans. These particular bacteria are also found in the mouth. If this type of bacteria takes over your oral cavity, it can spread and make its way into your bloodstream through openings in your gums, eventually reaching your heart. Taking probiotics can help kill off some of these bad bacteria.
Help With Weight Loss
Whether you’d like to lose a little or a lot of weight, you could appreciate a little boost along the way. Coupled with proper diet and regular exercise, taking probiotic supplements can be helpful as well.
There have been several studies on the composition of the gut and its relationship with body weight. Though research is still being conducted on the subject, it’s been determined that certain strains of probiotic bacteria are more prevalent in thin individuals, while other types are more common in those who are overweight.
If the relationship of the good vs. bad bacteria in your gut is out of kilter, this leaves an opportunity for yeast to grow. Pathogens, such as yeast, actually have the ability to send signals to the brain to feed it sugar as that’s what it thrives on! Eat more sugar, and you gain more weight. A better idea is to take useful probiotics for men to kill the yeast instead.
Treat Ulcers
Men who suffer from ulcers may be able to find relief through taking probiotic supplements. Stomach ulcers are caused by a strain of bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori. Researchers from Spain have identified a strain of prebiotic bacteria known as Bifidobacterium bifidum that is useful in treating ulcers caused by this bacterium. After 21 days passed in this study, mice that ingested the probiotic strain developed less ulcers than the control group.
Reduce Blood Sugar Levels
More men than women in the United States contract diabetes. This means that you should always have a heads up on how to control your blood sugar. Whether you have diabetes or may be at risk for it, evidence has shown that taking probiotic supplements on a regular basis can assist in keeping blood sugar levels within an acceptable range. The probiotic strain that has shown to have the most positive effect against pre-diabetes is Lactobacillus plantarum.
Fight Diverticular Disease
As men age, their risk of acquiring diverticulitis increases significantly. Diverticulitis is a very common condition that involves an inflammation or infection in one or more small pouches in the digestive tract. It causes severe abdominal cramping, nausea, fever, and chills.
Research shows that taking probiotics may be better at healing diverticulitis than taking prescription medications.
As discussed above, probiotics have a lot in store for men’s wellbeing. From boosting testosterone levels to promoting fertility, they’re useful to men in so many different ways. Adding probiotics to your daily routine will support your overall health, as well as promote longevity. However, it would be best to consult your physician before taking probiotics to ensure the right dose and strain for your current health condition, and to avoid adverse effects in the future.