Read This: Where To Eat Pizza

where to eat pizza bookLooking for a place to grab a slice?  Probably, considering more than 3 billion pizzas are sold in the U.S. annually. But instead of relying on some yahoos on Yelp for advice, listen to more than 1,000 1,000 chefs, cooks and pizza lovers worldwide were interviewed for the Where To Eat Pizza ($26 @

Featuring more than 1,700 pizzerias food joints and pizza parlors from all around the world —— including detailed city maps for easy transit —  virtually anywhere you stay, live, visit, or ride through, you’ll find a joint for za.

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Critics and industry experts weigh in on things like the perfect crust, special sauces and secret ingredients that give some pizzas an edge in the restaurant business. Unfortunately, none of them discuss the “30 minutes of your pizza is free” gimmick.
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