Should You Consider Friends With Benefits When Single?

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A “friends-with-benefits” relationship is used as a euphemism in which two people remain simply as friends even when physical intimacy is involved. They’re not committed to each other or involved in a romantic relationship in any way. The relationship involves casual sex for convenience and pleasure without expectations of a serious, long-term relationship. This is also called “no strings attached” or “NSA”.

Should you consider a friends-with-benefits setup when you’re single?

It’s A Choice 

Entering a friends-with-benefits relationship is a choice. FWB can be a great way to avoid dealing with the problems that come with a serious relationship. As the old saying goes, familiarity often breeds contempt, and the relationship becomes stale, which can even affect an individual’s mental and physical well-being.

Choosing an FWB relationship is a choice and can be debatable. Check out the pros and cons of entering such a relationship:


  • Meet up when you’re both available.
  • No pressure to do things or change things because the other person said so or wanted it. 
  • You can be yourself without pretending or trying to impress a partner. 
  • You don’t need to spend time with each other’s family on holidays.
  • Avoid becoming a victim of failed relationships. 
  • Get to save the friendship aspect and date anytime you want. 


  • You can’t complain if the person dates another because you’re not committed to each other.
  • There’s a likelihood for the FWB relationship to halt because of newfound love.

Explore While You’re Still Young And Single 

The American Psychological Association (APA) reports that “40 to 50 percent of married couples divorce in the United States,” and the divorce rate is “even higher for subsequent marriages”. The cycle of commitment and failed relationships can be detrimental to a person’s mental well-being and can seep into the physical aspect.

While many people like to end up in a serious relationship once they get older, being single gives you plenty of opportunities to explore. A friends-with-benefits relationship enables you to find the best person you can spend your life with while learning how to satisfy your partner physically. In that way, once you reach a point to commit finally, you’re armed with the experience and are ready to settle down finally.

Here are some tips when exploring an FWB relationship:

  • Protection Must Be A Priority: Keep yourself and your FWB buddy protected by wearing a condom or taking a contraceptive. 
  • Be Open: Don’t hesitate to talk about your FWB relationship. Engaging in casual sex doesn’t necessarily mean being casual with your conversations. 
  • Be True to Yourself: A friends-with-benefits relationship allows you to explore and see the other person in many ways, so don’t be afraid to admit if you’re already falling in love.

Have Fun

Friends-with-benefits relationships are pure fun. You get to enjoy good sex, which is better than more sex. A study that involved more than 30,000 people showed that a good benchmark to aim for is once a week. Otherwise, nonstop sex becomes a routine. You’ll more likely experience good sex and a healthy friendship meeting up with your FWB once a week for casual sex and pure fun.

Check out the best places to find an FWB relationship and have fun:

  • Speed Dating: It’s a matchmaking process usually set up in restaurants and cocktail bars, wherein people get to meet strangers in a few minutes and decide whether or not they feel comfortable and can “click” each other. You can easily find an FWB relationship in speed dating, which basically starts with friendship. 
  • Dating Apps And Websites: Because of advanced technology, it’s now possible to enter an FWB relationship starting with dating apps or dating websites. Get to find your perfect match based on your common denominator or online assessment. Choose from all sorts of filters and photos to identify the best candidate for an FWB relationship. 
  • Blind Date: Blind dates are usually set up by friends and acquaintances. However, if you’re not prepared to enter a serious relationship, you and your date can both agree to have a friends-with-benefits relationship for the time being.


A friends-with-benefits or FWB relationship is something you might want to consider when you’re young and single. It allows you to explore and have fun without guilt, pressure, or being a victim of an abusive, long-term relationship. Don’t rush into relationships just because you’re single or your friends and family are goading you into it. A friends-with-benefits relationship is convenient, open-minded, and can preserve the friendship aspect, which can eventually be nurtured and reciprocated.