No good cheating vermin are 3.5 times more likely to repeat the offense, according to research presented by University of Denver psychology graduate Kayla Klopp. The study focused on 484 unmarried 18-to-34-year-olds and featured questions like, “Has your partner
Along with finding the stats on repeat offenders, the research also showed:
• People who were cheated on in the past were more likely to be cheated on again
• If one relationship was full of screaming and violence, those people were three times more likely to engage in that type of behavior in a future relationship.
• Suspecting a partner of cheating would cause them to be 10 times more suspicious in the next relationship had sexual relations with someone other than you since you seriously began dating?”
Klopp told the Huffington Post:
“Our advice would be to talk with your partner about your relationship histories. If one or both of you has had trouble staying faithful in the past, what happened then? Might it happen again? How can you and your partner anticipate those difficulties together, and tackle them as a team? Many people expect monogamy and fidelity to just happen easily, but we know that isn’t true. Commitment takes effort and communication, and being able to confront the possibility that you or your partner might struggle to maintain fidelity can make you better able to handle those challenges in the future.”
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