Builders, architects and home renovators alike are working towards a new standard. That standard is sustainable design, and it is evolving at an impressive rate all over the world. Not only do green renovations reduce our carbon footprint, but it preserves natural materials by using recycled materials that are less harsh on our environment. If you are about to embark on a build and want to make it an environmentally sustainable renovation, here is a guide to get you thinking green and contributing to your community in a clean and meaningful way.
Natural light sources
Light is, of course, necessary in every home, but we have become quite narrow-minded in where and how we bring light into our homes. Rather than bringing more precious copper wiring into your home and introducing more electricity, consider skylights in Sydney instead as they will light your home all day with a more flattering glow than any artificial light source. Skylights are also a design feature in itself, and if they fall directly above an open kitchen, living space or bathroom – you can really bring some softness to your home. Who doesn’t want a stylish design element that saves you from a big electricity bill?
Recycled flooring
Not too long ago, home designers were making new wood flooring only to distress them so they looked old and then laying them in a home. Not a proud moment for anyone. The market has fortunately caught up and many builders and designers are seeking recycled wood to create unique flooring, while also saving them time and resources on wearing the wood down to look worn in. Not only does this save a tree and breathe new life into a material that has been wasted, but it also brings a narrative to your home. There are some innovators who have even floored their home with wood from a boat, and others have chosen mismatching tiles collected from countries for their kitchen flooring for something memorable. How can recycling add to the soul of your home?
Shipping container pools
Shipping container pools not only repurpose shipping containers (which cannot be reused for too many other things) but they are also a fabulous addition to any backyard. They bring a chic industrial vibe to a natural setting, and you have a lot of control over what colour to paint them to complement your home aesthetic. Digging out a backyard for a pool requires the use of a number of machines, plastics and other materials that can be preserved with a shipping container doing the same thing. They are also a more cost-effective solution as you do not need to commit to the dig-out, and the pool will not impede on your backyard space too intrusively.
Go solar
If you have an older home, there are a few hoops to jump through to get solar panels on your roof and have your home powered to this sustainable alternative. If you are renovating or building new, you should absolutely start with solar. Our society has the technology to power homes solely from the sun, and we need to get behind these initiatives and do our part in choosing sustainable options. It will save you large energy bills and it removes your reliance on power. Most governments around the world are pushing hard to increase the number of solar-powered homes, so you might even get some support or incentive from your government in making the switch.
What other sustainable ideas do you have that you want to tie into your renovation? We are truly only limited by our imagination, and with more attention being rightfully directed to this area of the industry, we can expect to see even more innovative ideas.