The Benefits of Platonic Touch

Platonic touch is a form of physical contact without any sexual or romantic intention. It has been linked to positive physical and emotional benefits, including improved self-esteem, enhanced trust in relationships, and a calming effect that can help reduce stress.

Platonic touch can take many forms, from a light pat on the back to a hug—all of which can have a powerful effect on both the giver and the receiver. Let’s explore the science behind platonic touch and how it can be beneficial for your overall well-being.

What Is Platonic Touch?

Platonic touch is any nonsexual physical contact between two people who are not in an intimate relationship. This could be anything from patting someone on the shoulder to giving someone a hug. It’s important to note that platonic touch should only be used when both parties are comfortable with it; if one person doesn’t want to engage in physical contact, then they should not be made to do so.

What Does Science Say About Platonic Touch?

Recent research has suggested that platonic touch releases oxytocin—a hormone associated with feelings of happiness and increased trust—at higher levels than other forms of non-sexual contact. This suggests that platonic touch increases feelings of well-being by helping us build stronger connections with those around us. Additionally, studies have shown that platonic touch activates areas in the brain associated with reward and emotion regulation, which further supports its ability to increase positive emotions like joy and contentment.

Another study found that we are hardwired to respond positively to platonic touch. The study examined individuals who had suffered damage to their insular cortex (a part of the brain responsible for processing sensory information). These individuals showed no response when touched in a social context—such as when being hugged or patted on the shoulder—but did show an immediate response when touched with an object such as a brush or cotton swab. This suggests that our brains are hardwired to respond positively to certain types of physical contact from others.

The Benefits of Platonic Touch

There are many benefits to platonic touch. For starters, it can help you feel connected to those around you—whether it’s a parent, sibling, friend or coworker—which can reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Platonic touch also releases oxytocin, the hormone associated with feelings of trust and security; this means that platonic touch helps create an environment where people feel safe and cared for.

Finally, platonic touch has been shown to reduce stress levels and even improve physical health by reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system.

How Can You Incorporate Platonic Touch Into Your Life?

Given all the potential benefits, it’s no wonder why platonic touch is becoming increasingly popular among people looking for ways to reduce stress and improve their relationships with those around them. To get started incorporating more platonic touch into your life, consider these tips:

• Take time each day (or week) to give yourself some loving touches such as hugs or gentle strokes

• Make a point of offering friendly touches like pats on the back or handshakes whenever possible

• Ask permission before touching someone if you aren’t sure if they would be comfortable with it

• Make an effort to reach out physically when saying hello or goodbye

• Offer massages or foot rubs as gifts during special occasions


Platonic touch has been linked to numerous health benefits including improved self-esteem, enhanced trust in relationships, and reduced stress levels. Science has even shown that our brains are hardwired to respond positively to certain types of physical contact from others! So next time you feel overwhelmed or need some comfort, don’t hesitate to reach out for some loving touches like hugs or gentle strokes; you may just find yourself feeling happier and more relaxed!