The Best Beers To Catch A Warm-Weather Buzz

Speyside Nae Barely Pale Ale

Speyside Nae Barely Pale Ale

Styled as a traditional English Pale Ale, this beer, brewed by Speyside Brewery located in Forres, Scotland, has an aromatic hint of lemons and grapefruit – setting it apart from the traditional bland English Pale Ale. The hints of citrus translate well when tasted, giving the pour a sharp finish.

Secret’s Out

Secret’s Out

Offered by the Southern Grist Brewing Company of Nashville, Tennessee, this brew is a single hop pale ale that isn’t overly bitter, best defined as having a medium body. As with most newly brewed pale ales, it is infused with citrus flavors, creating a nice fruity flavor, which is apparent when sipped, giving the pale ale a distinctive “dry” taste.

Rally KingRally King Root Beer Brown Lager

This larger is brewed in Fort Collins, Colorado by the Rally King Brewing Company. Like its name suggests, the beer, like root beer, has hints of black licorice, vanilla, and caramel. The body is burnt orange in appearance, making it look nothing like root beer. However, it tastes like a root beer, with the consistency of a carbonated soda-pop. Enjoy it with ice cream as the weather warms up.

Also Read: How To Choose The Right Glass For Your Beer