#11. Datrex Emergency Survival Water Pouch (Pack of 64), 125ml ($20 @ Amazon.com)
Stay frosty! No matter how much of a shitstorm you find yourself in, all of the aforementioned items are great to have. However, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded that in any emergency, the human body won’t last long without hydration. If it’s snowing all over the place, sure you can make a fire, melt the snow, and drink. But that’s not always easy to do, particularly if you’re stranded in the wilderness. Even so, you need to have water handy and you need to remember that bottled water may easily freeze and burst, so, for starters keep the bottle in the car. The Datrex emergency survival water pouch has 64 units of purified water for preventing or reversing dehydration or to cook with. With a long shelf life and durable dispensing sachets, you’ll be stocked for an emergency.