How wonderful – it’s time to celebrate that special lady in your life. You want to show how much she means to you but find something that she will use, enjoy and remember. After all, she deserves something that took you more thought than another gift certificate to Sephora. There are almost too many options to possibly gift her but you are rightfully fearful that most of them would be promptly returned or spend their days in the dark, dusty recesses of her closet. You want to give with intention and heart. Rather than a polite, “thank you so much”, you want to see true joy unexpectedly spread across her face as she recognizes that your gift is truly for her because of who she is. Instead, you hear a heartfelt, “Thank you… so much!”
Without a doubt, she gives so much to your life and those around you. Sadly, also without a doubt, she does not take the deserved time to focus that care on herself. Here is your chance to change that. Present her with the equivalent of a warm hug. Something she would never consider buying for herself yet something with which she will feel spoiled every time she gleefully uses it. A stunningly luxurious Matouk bathrobe such as this Kirin at Weston Table will transport her to a relaxing five-star spa, at least for the time she has it on. Make those precious and few minutes she has to herself something she looks forward to as a highlight of her day. Let her wrap herself in a substantial yet cuddly waffle-weave bamboo and cotton blended garment that will surely make her feel pampered and maybe even a little bit spoiled. And why shouldn’t she?
Of course, it would be wonderful to be able to get her a dream home but honestly, how would you wrap it? Speaking of reality checks, of course we all have to operate within a certain budget. However, that budget doesn’t need to lessen the scope of what a thoughtful gift can give her now and into the future. While real estate won’t be exchanged this year anyway, you can still give her the dream part. A digital and print subscription to Architectural Digest will repeatedly give her the building blocks toward her perfect home, curated from some of the most spectacular ones on earth. Let her think big and add a celebrity walk-in closet and a duchess spa bathroom to her mental floor plan one month, then swap them out for something even better the next. Let her focus on the simple touches like integrating something inspired by that chic New York City brownstone floral arrangement into her own living area or thrill at finding that perfect kitchen tool for the task that she didn’t even know existed until she flipped to that page. Hopefully her joy will be as boundless as her imagination.
Another gift that may seem out of reach is that of time. However, you can cleverly gift that to her as well. Think back to all she gives to you and others, regardless of how much of her days are taken up with those thoughtlessly performed tasks. While we cannot speed up or stop the clock, we can give the illusion of pausing it by giving her the opportunity periodically to take a mental break from all that she does. Inhaling the unmistakable scent and gazing upon the unmatched beauty of eternity flowers from Venus et Fleur can momentarily transport her to somewhere blissful, serene, and lush – even if only for a moment. Let’s face it, fake flowers are tacky and fresh flowers are brief. Giving her a bloom or bouquet of perpetually perfect roses allows her repeated and care-free enjoyment of nature’s beauty in her own home. Each time she passes the everlasting beauty she’ll instinctively hit pause if only for a few seconds while she treats herself again and again to inhaling the scent and sights of flowers that keep on giving.
Tranquility, thoughtfulness and time can all be given to her if you choose. Not too shabby as far as gifts go, right? And keeps with our mission of giving her something thoughtful that will repeatedly be enjoyed. Take this opportunity to recognize and celebrate what is so special about the woman in your life and think of how you can compliment that with the perfect gift. As we saw, although splurging can be fun, there’s no need to break the bank in order to really embrace what she likes and perpetuate her creativity and engagement. Pay attention and start crafting her wish list in the back of your mind whenever she points out something she likes but would not think to get for herself. You can also be the one who spoils her, just a little bit, in a way that is warming and meaningful. Give with heart and you surely will touch hers.