Transform Your Workout Routine with Indian Clubs: Here’s How

If you’re looking for a unique and effective way to switch up your workout routine, consider trying Indian clubs. These weighted tools have been used for centuries in India and the Middle East as a form of exercise and weapon training. In recent years, they have gained popularity in the fitness world as a versatile and challenging way to improve mobility, strength, and coordination.

What are Indian clubs?

Indian clubs are weighted clubs that range from one to two pounds each. They typically have a long, slender design and are made from materials like wood, metal, or plastic. The clubs are used in pairs, and the weight distribution is uneven, making them more challenging to control than traditional dumbbells or barbells.

Indian clubs were originally used as weapons and tools for hunting and farming. Over time, they became popular among Indian wrestlers and martial artists as a way to build strength, mobility, and coordination. Today, they are used by fitness enthusiasts around the world as a low-impact exercise tool that can improve overall fitness and athletic performance.

Why should you use Indian clubs?

There are several benefits to incorporating Indian clubs into your workout routine, including:

  1. Improved shoulder mobility: Indian clubs are excellent for improving shoulder mobility, which can be particularly helpful for athletes who rely on overhead movements. The swinging motion of the clubs helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint, increasing range of motion and reducing the risk of injury.
  2. Increased grip strength: Indian clubs require a strong grip to control the weight and maintain proper form. Regular use of Indian clubs can improve grip strength and forearm strength, which can translate to better performance in other exercises like pull-ups and deadlifts.
  3. Enhanced coordination: The uneven weight distribution of Indian clubs requires a high level of coordination to use properly. By practicing with Indian clubs, you can improve your hand-eye coordination and overall body awareness, which can translate to better performance in sports and other activities.
  4. Low-impact exercise: Indian clubs provide a low-impact workout that is easy on the joints. This makes them an excellent option for people who are recovering from an injury or who have joint pain.

How to use Indian clubs

Before you start using Indian clubs, it’s important to choose the right weight for your fitness level. Beginners should start with lighter clubs, around one pound each, and gradually work their way up to heavier weights as they become more comfortable with the movements.

Here are a few basic Indian club exercises to get you started:

Shoulder circles

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold an Indian club in each hand. Raise your arms out to the sides and rotate your shoulders in a circular motion, making sure to keep your elbows straight. Repeat for several reps in each direction.

Figure-eight swings

Hold an Indian club in each hand and swing them in a figure-eight pattern, making sure to keep your elbows close to your body. This exercise is excellent for improving grip strength and coordination.


Hold an Indian club in one hand and swing it in a circular motion behind your back. As it comes back around to the front, switch hands and repeat the motion with the other club. This exercise is great for improving shoulder mobility and coordination.

Halo swings

Hold an Indian club in each hand and bring them up and over your head in a circular motion. This exercise is excellent for improving shoulder mobility and core stability.

Squat and press

Hold an Indian club in each hand and squat down, bringing the clubs to your shoulders. As you stand up, press the clubs overhead. This exercise is great for building full-body strength and coordination.

Or you can check 14 Indian club exercise video below

Incorporating Indian clubs into your workout routine

Indian clubs can be used as a standalone workout or incorporated into your existing routine. Try adding a few sets of Indian club exercises at the beginning or end of your workout, or use them as a warm-up before more intense exercises.

Here are a few ways to incorporate Indian clubs into your workout routine:

  • Stand-alone workout: You can create a full workout routine using only Indian clubs. This can include a combination of exercises like shoulder circles, figure-eight swings, mills, halo swings, and squat and press.
  • Warm-up: Use Indian clubs as a warm-up before more intense exercises like weightlifting or high-intensity interval training. A few sets of shoulder circles, figure-eight swings, and halo swings can help to prepare your body for the workout ahead.
  • Active recovery: Use Indian clubs as a low-impact way to stay active on your recovery days. A few sets of shoulder circles and figure-eight swings can help to increase blood flow and mobility without putting stress on your joints.
  • Sport-specific training: Indian clubs can be used to improve specific movements used in sports like tennis, golf, and baseball. For example, halo swings can help to improve the range of motion required for a tennis serve, while figure-eight swings can improve hand-eye coordination needed for hitting a baseball.

Tips for using Indian clubs safely

As with any new exercise, it’s important to use Indian clubs safely to avoid injury. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Start with lighter clubs: Begin with lighter clubs, around one pound each, and gradually work your way up to heavier weights as you become more comfortable with the movements.

2. Focus on proper form: Proper form is essential when using Indian clubs. Keep your core engaged and your elbows close to your body to maintain control of the weight.

3. Avoid overuse: As with any exercise, it’s important to avoid overuse to prevent injury. Start with a few sets of Indian club exercises and gradually increase the intensity and duration as your fitness level improves.

4. Consult a professional: If you’re new to Indian clubs or have a history of joint pain or injury, it’s a good idea to consult a fitness professional to ensure that you’re using the clubs safely and effectively.

In conclusion, Indian clubs are a versatile and effective tool for improving mobility, strength, and coordination. Whether you’re looking to switch up your workout routine or improve your athletic performance, incorporating Indian clubs into your workouts can provide a low-impact, challenging workout that can benefit your overall fitness and well-being. Remember to start with lighter clubs, focus on proper form, and avoid overuse to use Indian clubs safely and effectively.