Antibiotics have been around for a long time and have been able to treat many life-threatening infections. However, many diseases are now becoming more resistant to this type of medication which should be used correctly, to prevent the development of resistance, similar to the use of live casino online real money where gamers tend to gain.
Although antibiotics can help treat bacterial infections, they can also have side effects, for example, nausea and diarrhea.
Overuse of antibiotics is also a contributing factor to the development of resistance. This has caused various types of bacteria to become untreatable which has led to the development of diseases that can no longer be treated with antibiotics.
What is antibiotic resistance?
Resistance is widely known to develop in certain types of bacteria due to their ability to withstand external factors. For instance, some germs that enter the stomach through food can be killed by gastric acid. However, some of these bacteria have a protective coating that prevents them from absorbing gastric acid.
When bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics, they acquire a new property that allows them to resist the treatment of the medication. For example, some bacteria can develop a substance that can make certain antibiotics ineffective. These types of bacteria are referred to as multi-resistant.
What causes resistance?
Some of the bacteria that are currently resistant to antibiotics have developed this resistance due to their genetic material. Usually, antibiotics can effectively treat a certain type of bacteria by killing them. However, if the bacteria’s genetic material changes, then they can develop resistance to the medication which could also be transferred to other types of bacteria.
What is being done about antibiotic resistance?
In Germany, antibiotics are only prescribed to patients who are sick which means that only doctors determine the appropriate use of the medication. They are also responsible for ensuring that the patient receives the right dose and that the antibiotic is effective against the bacteria.
In addition to these, Germany also has various regulations that are aimed at preventing the spread of antibiotic resistance. One of these is the use of hand hygiene. This is especially important since the use of antibiotics can lead to the development of resistant germs. If you come into contact with people who have an infection, then you can use gloves and masks to prevent the spread of the bacteria.
In addition to being used in medicine, antibiotics are also widely used in agriculture and veterinary medicine which means that both the doctors and the animals must follow proper handling and use of the drugs.
What can I do to prevent antibiotic resistance?
Being cautious while taking antibiotics can also help prevent side effects and antibiotic resistance. One of the most important factors that people should consider is not over-prescribing antibiotics. Patients often expect antibiotics to treat conditions where they are not wholesome.
For most bacterial infections, antibiotics are usually needed to treat conditions such as meningitis or lung infections. However, Antibiotics are typically ineffective for treating viral respiratory infections, such as the flu because they only kill the bacteria.
What’s important to consider when taking antibiotics?
Although the symptoms of an illness have already gone away, it’s still important to take antibiotics for as long as the doctor has ordered. Even though the medication has been used, the remaining germs can still cause the illness to flare up.
If you have leftover medication, then it’s important that it’s not kept for use or given to other people as the pharmacies are not obligated to accept unused medicine back, they should be thrown in the garbage or placed in the recycle bin. It’s important to note that the disposal of the medication should not be in a detrimental way that may harm the environment is not ideal.