Video Editing Tips in Five Minutes to Work Smarter, Faster, and Tell a Better Story


In the present day, there’s nothing more important to communicating than video. Its fast, doesn’t require much skill to understand, and if the cards are played right, it can tell quite an interesting story. But the video producing industry has come to a creative halt since it’s fallen into some nasty vices, for example, the abuse of slow motion, bad castings, and, of course, the rugged, sometimes insensitive messages that can offend someone (quite easily these days), or even trigger a backslash on the creator.

Intending to break that circle of creative bad habits, we’ve set to the task of creating a five-minute read and implementation of tips that can really change the way you edit and bring your creative side to a much better port. This also means that you might get more and better job offers, not only for thinking and creating a new video, but maybe also for helping with the script in terms of filming something that makes editing much easier.

It’s a way of contributing to a better future in terms of preparing editors to make their work not only easier, but more precisely to create quite interesting pieces. In fact, the needs of companies are turning to better-produced and better-video pieces that not only have a good technical edition but also tell better stories. In fact, it is a way of advertising better, which not only creates the urge to buy a product, but also installs an everlasting memory like the commercial breaks used to have.

New world, new possibilities

The social media universe, as some put it, is the ideal workplace for new editors and for people looking for a new challenge. Because influencers live almost entirely for their social media accounts, they produce a large amount of content that frequently requires editing, effects, and even sometimes writing what they will do on a visit, suggesting transitions, and setting up the scenes they will show in their videos.

But the fact is that there is a lot of work and maybe even a career for those interested in editing for social media, since, far from shrinking, the universe of influencers and wannabes keeps growing and will eventually fill all the gaps. With the predominance of Tik Tok, a video-oriented platform, every person trying to be an influencer will have to learn or pay to have their videos edited. Of course, the professional edition will surely enhance their careers greatly, to the extent that they can concentrate exclusively on their content.

Eventually, the market for video editing will grow to a place that will definitely surpass the current offer, making it a really profitable market for a prepared and capable editor. That’s one of the reasons why you should start taking courses and improving your editing with the tips presented here, as a way to get ready for what will come soon, a fountain of work that will surely fill your pockets and make this profession much more profitable.

Getting ready for what’s to come

In this context, having the right tools to organize your workflow and make it smoother will surely improve your chances of being hired and, second, proving that your price is worth what will come on the other end. And since most editing courses nowadays are quite expensive, using these tips will surely help you save some money, but also a lot of useful information for years to come.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the best editing tips you can learn if you have five minutes:

Use more real-time moments: in recent years, there’s been an oversaturation of videos with slow motion, making every video quite a copy of the last, with the same motion effects, and the public is starting to notice it. In that regard, changing a little will surely make your videos much more attractive. Use simple moments and camera movements to create a sense of realism that slow motion can’t achieve. A kiss, a hug, these are human emotions that have an impressive motion by themselves, and slowing them down will only break that natural rhythm that makes them so beautiful. There is a lot of stock footage that can help you find interesting scenes that don’t need to be slowed down.

Specific shortcuts will improve your speed: if you really want to make your workflow more constant and fast, you need to improve the way you use your software. For example, Adobe Premiere has a list of shortcuts that will speed things up in your work to the next level, making it easier to use specific functions.

Use sound/music bridges: nothing ties scenes together better than music transitions, especially those with special notes that grow in tension, such as if you are attempting to address the stress of a specific scene, or a well-timed piano solo in a sensitive matter. In the case of sounds, it’s a little more complex, but it can still be archived. For example, heavy drums in a song, or just drums alone, can really set the pace for scene changes and create a spectacular video.