What is a Prenup and Why Do You Need it?

What is a Prenup and Why Do You An Attorney?

Simply writing down the agreement on a cocktail napkin and then keeping it in a safe will almost certainly not hold up in court. Spend the relatively small amount of money now to have an attorney draft the agreement to both your and your honey’s exacting satisfaction.Prenups prepped by attorneys, and not signed by anyone under coercion, will almost certainly be valid even if your hair is gray (or gone) by the time you need to pull it out of the safe.

As sad as it seems, as people age, they change, and the tinted lens of lovey-doveyness of the honeymoon phase can and often does sour. You certainly hope that you won’t become a statistic, but it’s possible. So, what is a prenup? It’s a cheap, legal and smart way to protect yourself against a heart-wrenching, expensive divorce.

Jerry Seinfeld once quipped that marriage was like being in a war. Well, you wouldn’t go off into war without a helmet, would you? That being said, if you can’t salvage what you had, consider these 7 Rules For Getting Divorced.

study people who marry later likely to get divorced